Xela Films founded in 2001 is an Amsterdam based production company specialized in independent documentaries and compelling short video’s.

We create programs that focus on arts, culture, societal issues and politics. Timely and distinct, their titles include, among others, the 6 part series A Dollar Day (on poverty), Al Nakba, the Palestinian Catastrophe 1948, Woman See Lot of Things and Stateless in Holland.

Appetite for films with something important to say

Our worldwide success so far is testament to the public appetite for films with something important to say. Xela Films works with an extensive local & international network of film professionals and broadcasters.

Long-standing experience with networking and cooperation with international partner organizations

The work of Xela Films has been shown on Dutch public and commercial television, TVE (Spain), Arte (Germany/France), Spiegel TV (Germany), American Public Television (PBS), SBS Australia and Discovery Channel Europe, SVE (Sweden), Oasis HD (Canada), Link TV (USA), YLE (Finland), BNS (Japan), Middle East Broadcasting networks e.a.
We have a long-standing experience with activities that support networking and cooperation with international partner organizations. Close cooperation with these organizations has proved invaluable to the successful outcome of our projects.
We are looking forward to continue our work producing contemporary stories with a strong narrative, while exploring a mix of traditional and new forms of visual storytelling that allows the public to emotionally connect with the subject matters.

Profound research and a fresh eye

Endowed with a profound understanding of the business we approach each engagement with a fresh eye, take the time to do profound research, consider the clients’ audience and goals and execute tailored video’s and outreach campaigns to achieve maximum impact.
Since we always need partners to help us achieve our goals – if you are interested in being one of them, we’d really, like to hear from you.

Alexandra Jansse Willemstad Curacao

Alexandra Jansse (r)

Xela Films founder and CEO Alexandra Jansse was born in Amsterdam, Holland.

She grew up in France and in the Dutch West-Indies where her interest in non-Western cultures was awakened. Jansse obtained a Masters degree at the University of Amsterdam in Political and Social Geography, specializing in Third World Countries.

Before establishing Xela Films, Jansse worked with the British Film Institute’s curator of African & Caribbean Films and the director of ICAIC (Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos) to establish the Federation of Caribbean Film & Video Professionals and was the coordinator of two Caribbean Film Festivals in Curacao. Alexandra also worked as an executive producer for the International Film Festival Rotterdam & Media Business School (European Media Program 1), and was the executive producer on location of three The Children’s Book and Film Festivals in the West Indies and Aruba.

For commercial television she was a researcher for Veronica TV, and for Dutch public television she was an item director for VPRO and a researcher/director for NCRV Television.